Tuesday, November 27, 2012

catching up....

i kind of took a little blogging break over thanksgiving, but wanted to post a few things we did just for posterity's sake... and because i would literally forget how to spell my last name if it wasn't written down somewhere. mom brain is for real, y'all! :) 

over the thanksgiving break we were busy, busy, busy! libbi was out of school all week and jeffrey was off from work so it was nice to have every one home at the same time! 

we did a little bit of grocery shopping (can you sense libbi's excitement? if it's any indication of how I feel about grocery shopping, libbi was around a 7. i'm about a 25). ;-)

the girls took some naps...obviously DESTROYING the playroom can wear a girl out. 

we went on a family date night to frontera (our favorite mexican restaurant). it's safe to say that chips and queso are libbi and laney's love language (say that 5 times fast!) and i'm pretty sure they get it honestly. :) 

thanksgiving morning we watched the macy's thanksgiving parade. the girls were so funny... they were mesmerized. i though laney was going to flip out when she saw elmo. 

libbi decided the parade would be more enjoyable if they were wearing dress up clothes, and she proceeded to pull chairs up for her and laney to sit in once they were "all ready."
love those girls!

laney also experimented with a new hairstyle over the break.... don't worry, i'm pretty sure it won't catch on. 

keeping up with our tradition, mom and i went shopping early (realllllll early - try "dark thirty") on black friday. there wasn't anything particular i was searching for, i just like to go and see all the people. and just like every other year, this one did not disappoint. 

the girls spent the night at mimzy and buddy's house on friday night and i had every intention of getting out my christmas decorations while my "assistants" had the night off.... but somehow going to be at 8:30 won. and i'm pretty sure i told my mom not to look directly at me when i met her to pick up the girls the next day since i was basically still in my pajamas(at 4 pm!) 

laylay forgot her lovey at mimzy and buddy's house and libbi was SO sweet to offer her one of hers! libs sleeps with two (identical) loveys and she decided she could sacrifice for her sister just this once. beyond sweet! 

sunday morning the girls and i went to church on our own since jeffrey was sick. somehow we ended up at the store (again!) after church. anyone else feel like you are on a constant "load/unload....load/unload....load/unload" cycle? between the dishwasher, the washing machine, groceries and kids i feel like i am always either loading or unloading something - ha! 
(and i know it doesn't matter, but FYI their outfits are corduroy. i didn't want y'all to think i'd dress them in spring cotton in this cold weather. even though the picture looks like it!) :) 
libbi went back to school on monday and laylay and i did some christmas decorating. 

i took both girls to the dentist today and they were both AWESOME! i was nervous about laney, but she did great! libbi chose a whoopee cushion as her "prize"....i wish i was kidding. i also wish i was kidding when i tell you that there has been a lot of "tooting" going on in the tippins house. it just doesn't seem right to see my sweet little girl in her matilda jane dress laughing hysterically as she plops down on a whoopee cushion. all day she has begged me to blow up the whoopee cushion while she's in the playroom and place it on the couch. then she instructs me "Momma, can you say, 'hey, libbi. i saved you a seat on the couch'...." and she innocently and unsuspectingly sits on the seat i've "saved" for her which also happens to be the exact location of the whoopee cushion. no one has been safe. laney doesn't care for it. at all. even baby jesus and the wisemen have fallen victim to the whoopee cushion. i'm sure that's a first. 

and in the midst of all that, we also celebrated thanksgiving with our families, bought a christmas tree, decorated our house, had my debit card stolen, went to build-a-bear, watched rudolph, and ate at chickfila (a time or two ;-))

i think that about covers it. whew! now back to my regularly scheduled posting :) 

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