Saturday, December 1, 2012

memories of firsts on the first....bulldog style

a few weeks ago, we took libbi to her FIRST georgia game! 
she was SO excited and wanted her picture made as soon as she was dressed. she wouldn't even let me brush her hair FIRST. (i did eventually) ;-)

she had her FIRST ride on one of the university buses. (can you tell she was a little unsure about being on a bus?!) i'm pretty sure i felt the exact same way the FIRST time i rode on one of those buses my freshman year! 

when we were dropped off by the stadium, our FIRST stop was.... chickfila, of course! 
unfortunately, that was also everyone else's FIRST stop, so we opted to forgo the forever long line and head on into the stadium.

we were some of the FIRST fans in the stadium (fashionably early) and libbi was able to watch some of the warm-ups. 

her FIRST question, "Where is Harry Dawg?" haha! and you better believe that she kept tabs on that "dog" the entire time we were there. she didn't want to chance him coming up into the stands. :) 

we were excited to share in some of the pre-game rituals with libbi and experience all of the excitement with her for the FIRST time. she LOVED the band and would cheer and scream right along with every chant. it was so much fun! when the national anthem began to play, i just knew it would be an unforgettable moment....and after the FIRST line, she loudly said - "i need to go potty!" so we had to (very patriotically) run to the bathroom. of course we were not the FIRST ones in line, but luckily there were some very understanding momma's that let us cut right in. :)

we made it back to our seats and the game began. libbi refused to zip her jacket because then you couldn't see the "G" on her cheerleading uniform. she also refused to put her ticket down. ha! we were all having a great time and the dawgs were winning! after our little bulldog had cheered all she could, we decided to call it a day. we headed out of the stadium with four minutes the FIRST quarter! hahaha! :)

and lo and behold, who did we run into on our way out? well, none other than harry dawg himself. libbi froze on the spot. she was not prepared for her FIRST meeting with the UGA mascot. luckily, his mascot duties were calling, so he didn't have time to stop and chat. 
overall, i'd say our FIRST experience taking libbi to the georgia game was a major success! we all had a great time and she has talked about it non stop since. hopefully it will be the FIRST of many games she'll attend over the years. and maybe one day she'll make it past the FIRST quarter! 
we're also very hopeful for a win for the dawgs today in the SEC championship! having them play in the national championship for the FIRST time in 32 years would be a FIRST that i would LOVE to see!!! 

Happy December FIRST and.... Go Dawgs!!!!

for more "memories of firsts on the first" HERE
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