Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Big Reveal....

After we found out we were having a girl - the torture began....I couldn't tell any of my family!!! We had invited them all over that night for a "sex party" (to reveal the sex of the baby....ha, ha, ha). They were all given strict instructions to wear either pink or blue (no cheaters wearing both) based on what they predicted the baby to be.

Jeffrey had videoed the ultrasound and we planned on showing it to everyone after dinner to let them see what we were having. As hard as it was for me to keep it a secret, I think it was just as hard for my mom and dad (aka Mimzy and Buddy) not to know. I received not one, not two, but three emails from mom begging to be told. A phone call from mom and dad trying to solicit information, but I kept my lips sealed - what a surprise!!!

When everyone finally came over (I think Jeffrey and I had been pacing for hours just waiting for dinner time) the fun began. They all had to write down their predictions - as seen in the pictures above - and pose. Mimzy predicted boy, Jeffrey predicted boy (although he is trying to say now that he meant girl), Aunt Mandie predicted boy, Uncle JBird predicted boy and I predicted boy. Buddy predicted girl, but bless his heart he is color blind so he had a bit of trouble finding something pink. Instead he had mom stop at party city so he could buy a "girl" sign to wear on his shirt!

Jeffrey and I were the only ones allowed to wear both pink and blue - we couldn't spoil the surprise right from the beginning! At this point, he wants me to make sure to mention that his outfit was NOT serious. He does not wear polo shirts and ties....it was just to have on something pink...and the pink hat is mine - not his. Once we watched the video (which is still the most amazing thing I have ever seen....I think we've watched it a dozen times) everyone found out that we are having a girl! Dad won the coveted prizes...a petite four with pink booties and an "It's A Girl" pencil....little does he know I gave one to each of my kindergartners the next day, too! After lots of hugs, kisses, tears, and pictures the night came to a close - but the fun is just beginning!!
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