Here are some of the things that I definitely DID NOT do this week....
I absolutely DID NOT buy a whole bunch of candy (so much that when my brother came over he asked, "who made a trip to the candy store?") And I did not claim that all of this candy ($25 worth to be exact) was only to "take to school" (even though I'm not going back to school) and I surely DID NOT eat almost all of the Hershey kisses in this loot...
I DID NOT "donate" some baby items to the American Kidney Foundation (it's charity, right?!) that may or may not have been gifts intended for Libbi....
I surely DID NOT deny smelling ANYTHING when Jeffrey asked if Libbi had a dirty diaper and then I absolutely DID NOT immediately leave the room so I wouldn't have to change it...
I definitely DID NOT move my child's swing directly in front of the TV so she (I) can watch reruns of 90210 and E! News and she definitely DOES NOT sit quietly the ENTIRE time and "watch"...
NO WAY did I convince my husband to buy a "black market" copy of P90X that I found on Craig's List....and he DID NOT meet some random guy at Lenox Mall to buy it for $30 because he refused to let me pay the actual amount to buy the "real" thing.
I NEVER, and I mean NEVER, read People Magazine and do the crossword puzzle while nursing my baby...NO WAY, because this is ALWAYS our special bonding time...
Finally, I DID NOT mail out invitations for a bridal shower only to forget to put stamps on some of them (6 to be exact) and the post office DID NOT put a big, fat, ugly, "return to sender for postage" stamp on the front of the envelope and I most certainly DID NOT just try to "white it out," put a stamp on it, and reuse the same envelope....nope, NOT ME! =)
Happy Monday!!