Tuesday, December 8, 2009

"Not Me!" Monday...

Wanna catch up on all that I have NOT been doing lately?? Read below and please, oh please, feel free to confess your own "Not Me's"...

Our house does NOT look like a glitter bomb exploded and covered the entire downstairs.
Jeffrey has NOT vacuumed the living room at least twice a day, because I do NOT continue to spread this glitter while arranging and rearranging the Christmas decor...

I do NOT keep finding glitter in Libbi's hair, on her face, or any other random part of her body.
I did NOT notice a glistening speck of glitter on the faces of Jeffrey or my mom and dad after they came over for dinner this weekend and I did NOT decide to just ignore it....

I did NOT feed Libbi while sitting in the car in the Lowe's parking lot. Jeffrey did NOT have to get out of the car and retrieve our stroller from rolling away because we had NOT left it sitting by the car...

We are NOT giving the Griswold's (or the neighbors for that matter) a run for their money this year with our Christmas decorations....

I did NOT take our always happy, easy-going, totally laid back baby girl for her six month pictures. She did NOT morph into a totally different baby. She did NOT refuse to sit up (even though she can) She did NOT refuse to smile (even though she always does) and she surely did NOT cry for almost the entire session!!

Our wonderful photographer did NOT resort to doing some "diaper shots" since Libbi would NOT cooperate with anything else. She did NOT ask me if Libbi could/would grab her feet...I did NOT enthusiastically say, "OF COURSE!" I did NOT put this sweet girl on her back only to watch her STIFFEN HER ENTIRE BODY as straight as a board....
I did NOT try every trick in the book to get her to grab her feet....she did NOT lie there and stare at me all the while never bending a knee. I could NOT have drawn a chalk outline around her motionless body....the photographer surely did NOT think I was an overzealous mother who stretches the truth about her child's many talents....

Did I mention we had NOT already paid for these pictures???? ;0)

I did NOT get up with Libbi AT LEAST once an hour last night. She is NOT cutting TWO teeth right now. I am NOT one bit tired! I am NOT counting down the days until Christmas Break!!!

Happy Monday...
And.....Just to prove I am NOT stretching the truth....here is a short video of our sweet girl showing off her new talent... and yes, that is her foot...

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