I did NOT have big plans to take Libbi's picture when we got home from church because she looked so stinkin' cute. (Have I NOT learned that all pictures MUST be made as soon as she is dressed????)
She was NOT wearing this adorable pink smocked dress and bloomers when I dropped her off in the church nursery.....and she surely was NOT wearing a mismatched onesie and pant set when I picked her up!
I did NOT get to pack up a Wal-Mart bag full of all her belongings wrapped in paper towels to take home with us. She did NOT explode through her diaper, a pair of tights, bloomers, AND her dress!!
Oh yeah, this was NOT our first time visiting this church and I did NOT spend 10 minutes profusely apologizing to the volunteers while Jeffrey went to get the car....
We did NOT have a snow day (which was really just an "ice day") on Friday....apparently Libbi was NOT aware of this since she did NOT decide to get up at 5am....
I did NOT ask Jeffrey to change her diaper while I finished "pumping" (discreetly on the couch in the middle of the living room while watching TV, of course). He did NOT tell me that he did not have time because he was late for work.
I did NOT find out less than five minutes later (as soon as he pulled out of the neighborhood) his TRUE reason for forgoing the diaper change....it did NOT include a massive blowout...
I did NOT have to put Libbi in the bathtub at 7am that morning. I did NOT have to take apart her exersaucer to remove the seat cover and put it in the washing machine. I did NOT throw away the pajamas that she was wearing because they were NOT too far gone....
That's right....take a good look at these PJ's, because you will NOT be seeing them again!
I did NOT get mad at Jeffrey when I talked to him later in the day. He did NOT all but admit that he knew she had exploded. He did NOT tell me that he thought he was being helpful by picking her up out of the exersaucer and putting her on her stomach instead....
Finally, I did NOT just write an entire "Not Me!" post all about my poor child's digestive issues - ha! ;0)
Happy Monday!