Monday, August 30, 2010

a bad case of "the monday's"

today was a blah day. it was basically libbi vs. the world all day. she woke up on the wrong side of the bed and was grouchy all day. it didn't help that she got up at 4am this morning and barely napped today. (which didn't help my mood too much either) ;0)

we walked to the library this morning for toddler time.  libbi loved the walk over, but once we were there she was not a happy camper.  last week she did awesome at toddler time and was so into it.  this week, there were too many other temptations - purses, sippy cups, snacks...none of which belonged to her.  i basically had to run around just trying to keep her out of everyone else's stuff.  not the enriching experience i was hoping for.

when we left the library, we made a quick stop at the park before heading home for lunch. apparently, i was not quick enough with the preparation of her lunch.  you would have thought she had been on a 40 day fast and i was dangling a steak just out of her reach with the way she was carrying on.  nevermind that she had just had a snack not one hour earlier.  she was making it clear that she was starving! there was lots of moaning, groaning, and gnashing of teeth.  it wasn't pretty. 

the rest of our day consisted of lots of this:

and this:

and a little more of this:

every time i turned around, i saw this face:

she pushed her stroller into the wall (forgetting that all she had to do was back up)

she flipped her chair end over end until it hit a column and then she collapsed into a puddle

all she wanted to do was sit in the corner and eat her feelings.

it was just a serious case of the mondays all the way around.

but, thank goodness tomorrow is another day.

we can wipe our tears, 

dry our eyes, 

take a deep breath,

and rest knowing that His mercies are new every morning.

"Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness."
Lamentations 3:22-23

* babies were traumatized in the making of these photographs.  these were never "real" tears....just good ole fashioned temper tantrums. :)

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