we had a busy, busy weekend jam packed full of fun! Saturday morning we woke up bright and early and headed to the park to celebrate Grey's 1st birthday!
Here is our little lady (ha!) posing before the party....don't ask me where this pose came from...she is such a mess :)
This picture looks a little more "girls gone wild" than "toddlers and tiaras" ;0)
Even though it was a little rainy, we still had a great time and Libbi enjoyed seeing all of her old friends from school (and so did I!) Grey is just the sweetest little thing I have EVER seen....he just oozes sugar :) Unfortunately, I was a little preoccupied so I didn't get any pictures of the bday boy :( BUT, I was able to hijack this one from Facebook (thanks, Sara!)
And I am now officially adding "Happy Birthday" as one of the songs that makes me cry (especially when sung at a one year old's birthday party!) (*Blog journal Day 15 - songs that make me cry*)
Libbi stayed busy catching up with one of her BFF's...Phoebe. Libs and Phoebes were shoot'n the breeze while riding in the convertible with the wind and rain whipping through their hair. Just call them Thelma and Louise.
They also enjoyed sharing a swing. Oh to be young and chunky and still be able to squeeze into a baby swing with a friend.....
Libbi tried her hardest to play with some of the big kids, but I finally convinced her that she is, in fact, still one of the "babies" (thank goodness!)
After the party, we went home and I was all prepared for Libbi to take a niiiiice long nap while I rested up from the party. Apparently she had other plans. Maybe she was on a sugar high or just too pumped up from all the excitement of her morning, but that girl slept a whopping total of 20 minutes and she was good to go.....I, on the other hand desperately needed a nap!! Instead, we stuck to doing laundry and then Libbi noticed that Jeffrey left one of his drawers open....
and made herself at home in our bathroom while I was in the closet putting away clothes
Jeffrey got home from golfing not long after, so I was able to rest just a little (thank you Jeffrey!) Since we had already totally blown Libbi's schedule for the day, we decided to just keep the trend going and head out for some ice cream after supper.
We went to Bruster's and Libbi was SO excited! :) Jeffrey and I both got milkshakes and Libbi got a (FREE) baby cone. We were all prepared for her to make a huge mess and devour that cone. I should have known better. She wanted NOTHING to do with that dinky little baby cone - puh-lease! She.wanted.a.milkshake.
Can you tell who's boss in this family? :)
I thought she was going to have a permanent brain freeze from the way she was practically chugging that chocolate milkshake - ha! She was in heaven!
Needless to say, I ate the baby cone and Libbi and Jeffrey enjoyed chocolate milkshakes :)
Sunday morning we slept in (7am....thankyouverymuch) and enjoyed cinnamon rolls for breakfast before church. We visited a new church and let's just say Libbi had a bit of a *nervous stomach* while we were signing her into the nursery. And while we're at it, let's also say that this church had a very nice baby changing station :)
Sunday afternoon we napped (thank you Lord!) and watched the golf tournament. And I found out what happens when Libbi and Jeffrey are left on their own for some "playtime"....
my thoughts exactly....
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Jeffrey also decided that Libbi could have a special snack Sunday afternoon. He referred to it as a "Supervised Oreo." - haha! (I promise we don't normally fill her up with junk - it just so happened that she had a few extras this weekend!) Poor, poor Libbi - both her momma and her daddy love us some Oreo's so she's doomed to love them too. It's a blessing and a curse.
"all gone!"
Of course since it was Daddy's idea to do the "Supervised Oreo" - he also got to
"supervise" the clean-up! ;0)
Jeffrey had a tennis match Sunday evening and since it was close to Libbi's bedtime, we decided to just stay home and do some laundry.
And Libbi took her dog for a walk or two....
After baths, books, and prayers it was time for bed. Thank you Lord for our wonderful weekend that we enjoyed together as a family!