**Don't forget to enter the Doodle Bugs Paper Giveaway!! It ends tomorrow at 9am! :)**
As much as I love staying home with Libbi, I have to admit that some days are definitely easier than others. Some days, she sleeps in (until 7:30 - ha!) and wakes up in a good mood and our day just gets better from there. Then there are (very few) days when it feels like she is trying her best to get into everything and she makes a hobby out of trying my patience all day long. :)
As much as I love staying home with Libbi, I have to admit that some days are definitely easier than others. Some days, she sleeps in (until 7:30 - ha!) and wakes up in a good mood and our day just gets better from there. Then there are (very few) days when it feels like she is trying her best to get into everything and she makes a hobby out of trying my patience all day long. :)
And, can someone please tell me why she seems to have "off" days every time Jeffrey is out of town? sigh. It always seems to work that way.
I guess I can't really blame her, because I know that I have days when I'm just in a funk and nothing makes me happy. Lord knows, there are times when I'm grumpy just for the sake of being grumpy (I'm sure Jeffrey is saying, "Amen!") ;0) So....when those tough days roll around, and she's in rare form, I try my best to be sympathetic.
But, I'm only human. - haha! ;0)
The other day.....we had one of "those days."
She woke up this particular day at 5am after being up pretty much once an hour the night before. You'd think she would have been exhausted and wanted to sleep in (wait, that was ME!) but she was up and at 'em at 5am.
Breakfast was not made fast enough, the milk was not cold enough, and her pajamas were suddenly extremely uncomfortable.
Pretty much every thing that did or did not happen this particular day was the end of her world and sent her over the edge.
Desperate times call for desperate measures. That's right. I let her play with a hat and rolls of toilet paper. (It was the penny item from Publix a couple of weeks ago, so I didn't really care). It entertained her for about 30 minutes. Best penny I ever spent :)
She was sooooo tired but refused to take a nap. If she wasn't walking around like a zombie, she was pitchin' fits left and right. Our day basically consisted of a pattern:
fit, dazed walk, crying/carrying on, repeat.
You'd think if you were sooooo tired that you had to lie down on the floor, that a bed would be a welcome retreat....I'm just sayin'....
At one point during the day, she was reading her books and got a little carried away....
Apparently she thought that particular page would make a tasty snack and that I was the meanest momma in the world for taking it away from her.
One of the only things that made her happy was that Publix toilet paper. So we played with toilet paper like it was going out of style. From morning til night.
After she "watched" me clean up after supper, it was finally time for bed.

Luckily, she went down without a fight.
As I was cleaning up, I found the page from the book that she had attempted to eat earlier.
I had to laugh at the page she tore out....
a coincidence??
I think not. :)