Groundhog Day will forever be one of my favorite "holidays" and y'all know it's not because I have any sort of affections for small furry critters! ;)
February 2nd is a date that will always be close to my heart.
On February 2, 2007 Jeffrey asked me to be his wife.

And thus, the groundhog became our marriage mascot :)

On February 2, 2009 we found out that our baby to be was a little girl!

And the groundhog went from our marriage mascot to our family mascot.

Every year we commemorate this special day with many family traditions....
We all make our predictions of whether or not our hometown hero General Beauregaurd Lee will see his shadow....
Once Jeffrey comes home from a long day of work,

We watch the classic "Groundhog Day" movie
While eating Groundhog cupcakes

and dreaming of Groundhog Days to come.....

If I had to repeat these days over and over just like in the movie Groundhog Day, I gladly would :)
(And for the record.....Jeffrey - if you want me to find out what we're having today just so we can keep our "groundhog tradition" going I will totally take one for the team and do it!) ;0)

Happy Groundhog Day!!! ;0)