I'm loving this weather! It's the perfect time when it's not too cold and it's not too hot and we can actually play outside. The window for this kind of weather is very small, so we're enjoying it while we can :)
I'm loving playdates with friends - especially at the park!
I'm loving that I had another good doctor's appointment today. Baby Tippins's heartbeat was gong strong at 156 bpm, my blood pressure was great, and I was measuring at 32 weeks - it won't be long now!!

I'm loving that we have FINALLY decided on names for Baby Tippins!!
I'm loving that all my shows are back on tonight! March Madness has really interfered with my regularly scheduled programming :)
I'm loving that we got all the furniture moved out of the guest room and have finally started making progress on the nursery....kind of :)
I'm loving that I have totally rearranged our closets and organized the upstairs. Nothing makes me happier than neatly stacked tubs (with labels) where everything has it's own home.
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