Pregnancy Highlights:
How far along: 34 weeks!!! (as of Friday 4/8)
Size of Baby: According to Baby Center, Baby Tippins "weighs about 4-5 pounds (like an average cantaloupe) and is almost 18 inches long.** His/her fat layers are filling out, making him/her rounder. His/her skin is smoother than ever and his/her central nervous system is maturing as well as his/her lungs."
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....and I'm thinking this may be my last "published" photo....WOAH! |
Size of Baby: According to Baby Center, Baby Tippins "weighs about 4-5 pounds (like an average cantaloupe) and is almost 18 inches long.** His/her fat layers are filling out, making him/her rounder. His/her skin is smoother than ever and his/her central nervous system is maturing as well as his/her lungs."
**When at the doctor last week, I measured a little over a week ahead of schedule, so Baby Tippins could be a bit larger!**
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I am within the healthy/recommended limits of weight gain - and that's as much as I'll disclose ;) I do feel like my face is starting to catch up with pass my belly though, I am definitely one of those people that gets the "pregnant face" and I'm not too proud to admit it. :)
Maternity Clothes: yes, please! :) Pretty much everything I wear is maternity, except for a few dresses/tunics. I'm in that annoying stage where even my maternity shirts are becoming too short, but I'm so close to the end that I don't want to buy anything else.
Gender: Only the good Lord knows....Up until last week I was pretty much convinced that we were having a girl. I just felt sure of it. Now, I'm not so sure..... I may be leaning more towards "boy." Really, I don't mind either way - I'm just DYING to know!!!!
Movement: All the time. I mean seriously, all.the.time. It's definitely more of the jab/punch/kick variety. I have to admit, although I LOVE feeling the baby move and knowing that he/she is so active, it still kind of weirds me out a little bit when I can tell that there is a distinct knee/elbow/booty sticking out of my stomach.
Sleep: non-exsistent. I had horrible insomnia when I was pregnant with Libbi, and it looks like the trend is continuing (BOO!) Unfortunately, the bigger I get, the worse I sleep. I feel like I am carrying this baby all out front and my stomach is SO tight all the time. No matter which way I lie down in bed - I feel like I'm lying on top of a baby - which feels just about as awful as it sounds!
What I miss: bending over - ha! my ankles and my wedding ring. :)
Cravings: Candy. Don't get me wrong, I ALWAYS have a sweet tooth, but I'm usually more of a chocolate kind of girl. The past couple of weeks, I've wanted chewy/hard candy. starburst, jelly beans, airheads, smarties, etc. (of course, I won't turn down chocolate, either!) My sweet friend Chrissy brought me some "Robin Eggs" when she came over one day last week and ever since then I've wanted them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner! I've also eaten lots of "cuties".... I know Jeffrey loves when I peel and eat them in the bed at 2am. ;0)
Symptoms: insomnia, shortness of breath, and a few braxton hicks. Unfortunately, my carpal tunnel syndrome is back. I had HORRIBLE CTS when I was pregnant with Libbi (although it did start much earlier in my pregnancy...) and I was hoping I may skip out on it this time. No such luck. I've also been REALLY emotional this week (I'm sure Jeffrey can attest to that). I'm already a pretty emotional person to begin with, so the added hormones and pregnancy emotions really don't do my any favors. :)
Best Moment This Week: Another fabulous doctor's appointment; hearing Baby Tippins's heartbeat; and knowing that Baby Tippins could safely be here in 3-5 weeks. I measured 2-3 weeks ahead when pregnant with Libbi and ended up being induced due to her size and my blood pressure. Baby Tippins has always measured right on target, but this past week he/she made a jump! My doctor will of course take my measurements again at my next appt (36 weeks) and possibly do an ultrasound to get some more exact measurements/weight/etc of the baby. We'll start forming a plan for where to go from there! I absolutely want Baby Tippins to stay put as long as possible for his/her health, but it wouldn't bother me in the least if he/she SAFELY came a week or two early (which would mean I only have 3, maybe 4 weeks left!!!) Another highlight this week: Receiving the swatches for girl and boy bedding in the mail and having the paint mixed for the Baby's Room!!