Friday, June 17, 2011

the swing...

I mentioned in Laney's one month post that she is not really a fan of the bouncy seat, but she (thankfully) LOVES the swing.  Ironically, when Libbi was a baby, she didn't really care for the swing, but now that she has outgrown it, she has decided that it is just the best thing since sliced bread.
Between keeping Laney in it and Libbi out of it, our swing is definitely not hurting for attention. Libbi desperately wants to swing, but she is waaaay past the weight limit.  And, I don't have the owners manual handy, but when your toddler can get in and out of the swing unassisted and when she's in the swing and grabs onto the sides to propel herself forward - that seems to me that it might fall under the "safety hazard" category (for Libbi and for anyone in her general vicinity).
The only thing Libbi loves more than swinging, is pushing Laney in the swing.  Anytime she sees Laney in it, she runs over and says, "I PUSH!" and gives poor Laney whiplash.  We are partly to blame for this, because we push the swing all the time.  It's actually broken (I wonder how that happened?!) so it won't swing on it's own.  Laney doesn't seem to mind too much.  Every time we walk by her, we just give her a little push and go about our business.  Unless your name is Libbi.  In that case, you give her a whopping push that could rattle her brain.
And unlike Libbi, we don't tend to leave small sacrifices in the crevices of the swing or in the lap of "the chosen one" while she slumbers. ;-)
Or push her while in our "birthday suit"
I never would have imagined that I would have to police a baby swing (one that doesn't even work for that matter) but it's become quite a common practice during my day.  I have such a love/hate relationship with that swing.  I love it, because it keeps Laney happy and she enjoys napping in it.  I hate it, because it is the bane of my existence where Libbi is concerned.  There are times that I think, "if I look over there and see her belly up in that swing one more time, I am going to lose it!" Lord knows, there aren't enough time-outs, spankings, and warnings that can separate that girl and (her) swing.  One of these days, I'll move it out of the living room, but until then, I'm working on a new invention.  Who knows, it could be my "big break". ;-)

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