Wednesday, June 8, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday....

Happy Wednesday, friends!  I can't believe we're halfway through the week already.... time flies when you're changing diapers and rocking babies having fun! :)
It's time for another edition of 
"What I'm Loving Wednesday!"
I am LOVING my new obsession...Pinterest!  Have you heard of it???
Pinterest is the newest sensation on the world wide web.  I had come across it a couple of times while "interneting" but wasn't really sure what it all entailed. (btw, does anyone else think "interneting" should be considered an official hobby?!)
Until a few of my blog friends wrote posts on it and cleared it right up for me!  Now, I'm officially in LOVE!
I'm telling y'all - it is addicting!!  You can "pin" all your favorite sites, projects, to do lists, etc, etc, etc all in one place and see what everyone else is "pinning" as well.  It's a great way to stay organized, browse, dream, and peek at other's interests all at the same time.
If you'd like an invite, just leave a comment and I'll send you one...or if you are already a member and want to follow me, I am {mrsamytippins}.

I'm loving this precious etsy site - dolcemia
How cute are these dresses and bubbles?!?
I can just imagine them on my sweet girls!
all images via

I'm loving
that this sweet baby is FOUR WEEKS old today....can you believe it!?!?

I'm loving that because of our sweet friends and family, I've only had to cook one meal since Laney was born!
I'm loving how funny this sweet girl has been lately - she is a hoot!
Right now, she is LOVING pillows (or "pill-woahs" as she calls them).  She wants to sleep with one of "Momma's pill-woahs" in her bed and constantly begs to have one.  It is so funny, because I have no idea when this started or why - but she sure does love her "pill-woah!"
I'm loving the bedding that I picked out for Laney....even though I still haven't ordered it yet - ha! I was SO worried about it before she was born, and now here she is four weeks old and I still haven't finished up her nursery.  I guess it wasn't as "pressing" as I thought. :)
Finally, I'm loving that chick-fil-a has a playground...can I get an amen?!  When it is 95 degrees outside at 10am, the playground at "the christian chicken" is like heaven....for me and for Libbi! :)
 libbi sure hopes there are slides in heaven ;-)

To read my "What I'm Loving Wednesday" posts from the past, click here.
To see what others are lovin' - click on over to Little Daisy May!

Happy Wednesday from the Tippins Girls!!

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