today, i had ice cream for lunch. it was well deserved in my opinion. some days just call for ice cream and this was definitely one of them....
maybe i jinxed myself by writing my "memories of firsts on the first" post yesterday on doctor's visits, because that is exactly where we ended up today.
after her nap yesterday, libbi started saying "no tee-tee" and crying. she refused to tee-tee in the potty or in her diaper and would cry every time she thought about it. she honestly did not "go" from the time she woke up from her nap until she fell asleep last night (although she didn't stay asleep and was in our bed and up every couple of hours - ugh!)
this morning brought the same thing, so i called the doctor and we made an appointment to go in at 10:50. it's always an event to get everybody up, dressed, and out the door on time (and for some reason, the fact that it is 95 degrees at 8:30 in the morning just seems to make things more stressful for me!) by the time we loaded up, i was already sweating bullets and incredibly anxious. I was so worried that they were going to have to give libbi a catheter (because how else would you diagnose a UTI in a two year old?) and was just sick thinking about what we were going to be facing.
laney had an appointment, too and i was just as nervous about hers. we said a little prayer on the way to the doctor's office and that seemed to help calm all of our nerves. :)
libbi loves going to the doctor and was so excited, which made me feel even worse because she had NO idea what was about to come.....
laney was passed out in the backseat and oblivious as well.
when we finally got called back to the exam room, they gave me a cup to collect a "sample" from libbi - hahahaha! you can imagine the look that i gave them and then the look that libbi gave me when i asked her to tee-tee into the cup - ha! needless to say, it didn't happen.
thankfully, when the doctor came in and did the exam, she deemed that it was more than likely just a "behavioral" thing. she went on to explain that some children are just more strong willed than others (ha!) and that they will sometimes just refuse to go and "hold it" for attention. since libbi was still tee-teeing in her sleep, and not exhibiting any other symptoms of a UTI (fever, upset stomach, irritation, etc) the doctor felt safe saying that we could just wait it out for a few days and not give her the cath today - thank you, Jesus! basically, we are just pumping her full of water and not mentioning anything about going to the potty. she still says, "no tee-tee!" and doesn't go as often, but is starting to give in a little. basically, my child is just so hard headed that she can gain complete control over her bladder when she feels like it - ha!
after libbi saw the doctor, it was laney's turn. luckily, her portion of the appointment was short and sweet, because libbi was definitely fading fast! why is it that the louder and more rambunctious she gets, the smaller and hotter the room starts to feel?!? by the time the doctor was wrapping things up, libbi was screeching at the top of her lungs and giving me that look, you know the one that says, "i know i'm not supposed to be doing this, but what are you gonna do about it?!?!" and i was sweating like crazy. the doctor is still talking, libbi is screaming, laney starts crying, and i am just trying not to pass out from a heat stroke.... we finally wrapped things up, i gave libbi her "come to jesus" talk and we made our way out of the doctor's office into the 100 degree heat....all before lunchtime.
doctor's appointments are stressful enough when your kids are sick, but the whole behavior aspect just throws another curveball in there. thankfully i heard some other toddler screaming bloody murder on our way out so i felt a little bit better thinking that maybe somewhere in that office there was another mother feeling mortified of her child's behavior; maybe there was a kindred spirit just a few doors down. :)
As of now we're praying that this whole thing with libbi is just a little phase and that it is not a UTI or any type of infection. At this point, we're just waiting and praying....and drinking lots of water. :) laney has a small knot (probably a cyst) on the back of her head. they don't think it's anything worrisome, but we were referred to a pediatric plastic surgeon so he could take a look at it. it will need to be removed and if he thinks it is even questionable in the slightest, he will biopsy it and we'll go from there. we're praying that it is something that can be easily (and painlessly) removed without any further complications. of course, i hate to think about any procedure having to be done to my baby, but our doctor says it will be very minimally invasive. i'm praying for peace and a mind that will not wander, but will trust in His plan for laney. :)

so after all that.....don't you think ice cream for lunch makes sense?!?!? ;-)