I don't think it's a coincidence that Laney's nursery has a subtle bird theme. Her bedding features little lovebirds, there is a plate with a verse and a picture of a bird, a little bit of bird themed art, and even a birdcage frame are all waiting to be displayed. It's funny, because with Libbi's room I went in the opposite direction. I stuck to a color scheme, but definitely did not do anything "cutesy" or "thematic." While Laney's little lovebirds were picked out before we ever knew she was a girl.
We took our sweet Laney girl for her appointment with the plastic surgeon yesterday. Just as we suspected, the lesion on her head will have to be removed. The doctor was very encouraging and assured us (as much as he could) that he didn't think it was anything to worry about. They won't really know what it is until they remove it and send it off to pathology. She will have her procedure on October 10th. It will be an outpatient surgery and should be very minimally invasive. Her stitches will be dissolvable and they won't even have to shave her little head. :)
Of course I have concerns about the whole thing.... What if she doesn't do well with the anesthesia? How will she handle the whole "no eating or drinking after midnight" rule? How will I handle it? Will she be able to keep sleeping on her back? And honestly, I could really let my mind run wild and come up with a million "what if's" and possible scenarios that would make my anxiety level go through the roof.
I know that no matter how much I worry or stress or fret over every last thing, it won't change the fact that I am not in control of this situation. Instead of freaking out over that fact, I pray that I can rest in it. Rest knowing that God is in control. I pray that I will be thankful that I don't have to worry about the outcome, because ultimately, it's already been decided! God is in control.
To me, the fact that Laney's room is filled with little birds, is just a sweet reminder that the Lord is in every detail. He knew before I ever even held her in my arms that she would have this procedure. I have no reason to fear, because if my God cares enough to watch over the birds in the air, He will surely take care of my sweet Laney here on this earth. I can take comfort in the fact that He knows every detail of her little life, even the number of hairs on her head! And if I truly believe that the Lord is sovereign enough to know how many hairs are on her head, then I have to believe that He surely knows about the little something extra back there, too! ;-)
“What is the price of five sparrows—two copper coins? Yet God does not forget a single one of them. And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows."
Luke 12:6-7