Laney James, you are three months old today! How in the world did that happen?!?
There is no way that you can possibly be three months old! I thought time passed quickly when Libbi was your age, but now I know that with the second baby it goes even faster!!
Here is what you've been up to this past month:
You weigh a little over 14 pounds (you go, girl!) and wear a size 2 diaper. You wear mostly 3-6 month clothes, 6 month, and even a few 9 month onesies. I thought that you would be wearing a lot of Libbi's old clothes, but you're bigger than she was - ha! and longer, too so some of her outfits don't fit you. So....I've just HAD to go buy you a *few* new things. It's tough job, but someone's gotta do it. :)
Libbi still calls you Lay-Lay...and so do we! ;-) She loves to announce when you are awake and when you are asleep. Unfortunately, she announces this rather loudly right in front of your face, so when she yells, "Lay-Lay ASLEEP!" it's usually not for long. ;-)
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she's probably saying, "Don't tell Momma I have your paci or else!:) |
I feel pretty safe in saying that your colic has passed - Praise the Lord! It was rough there for a while....for all of us! You still have a few windows of fussiness, but nothing like before. Most of the time you are just the sweetest, happiest baby. You smile and coo and "talk" to us all day long.
You've found your hands this month and they are constantly in your mouth! You suck on your fingers like it's your job. You don't really have much interest in the paci right now, you'd much rather suck on your fingers. I can always tell when you wake up in the night, because I can hear you start to "snack" on your hands :)

You started sitting in your bumbo seat this week and you love it! You do such a great job of holding your head up and looking all around. You are one strong little girl! Libbi is so proud of you and gets so excited that you're in "Lay-Lay's seat!"

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Libbi insisted on a read aloud.... ;-) |
You are very particular with how you like to be held. I call it the "Toddlers and Tiaras" hold, because I feel like I am putting you on display, but it makes you happy! :)
You love, love, love the swing. In fact, there are quite a few times that you would prefer to swing instead of being held - especially when you're tired. It's almost funny, because you will fuss and squirm, but as soon as you're in that swing you either start talking and smiling or you fall fast asleep. :)
You smile at everyone these days. When you smile, it lights up your whole face. You have started focusing on objects and one of your favorite things to look at is your sister (well, I like to think she's your favorite thing to look at...but it may just be because she's in your face 24/7, so you don't have much of a choice). ;-)

You are soooooo close to laughing. I mean really laughing. You give us a few chuckles here and there, but I know that a great big baby giggle is just waiting to burst out. I'm sure it will be any day now. You sure are making us work for it (but we don't mind one little bit!)
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typical....Libbi is taking her temperature(?!) and Laney is trying to escape :) |
You nurse pretty much every three hours like clockwork - you NEVER miss a meal :) You are a great eater. On a good night, you'll go to sleep around 7:30 and sleep until 12 or so. I feed you and put you back down and you'll sleep until 5:30 or 6. But then other nights you're up every 2-3 hours. Even though I'm really tired sometimes, it honestly doesn't bother me that you get up in the night. I like our time together in the quiet. And since you're still sleeping in the bassinet in our room, I don't even have to get out of bed to pick you up. You're sleeping within my reach! :)
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haha....i was just trying to get a picture of the two of us, but Libbi "crashed" it :) |
Laney James we just love every little bit of you! I could seriously just eat you up! I love watching your little personality start to come out. I think you are going to be our little flirt - ha! - because you just smile at anyone and everyone. It has been such a blessing to watch you grow and change each day and you have brought so much joy into our lives. Our hearts are overflowing with love and we are so thankful that the Lord has given us the privilege of being your parents! We love you sweet Lay-Lay Girl!
{ just for comparison}....
and one more, just cause it makes me laugh :)