project 365: week 9
I'm a little late with my project 365 post this week...because unfortunately the stomach bug struck 2 out of the 4 of us (Me and Libbi!) but we're hopeful that it's run it's course and is on the way out!! Before we were bitten by the bug, it was another busy week at Casa de Tippins:

Sunday, February 26 ~ Saturday, March 3:

After church we went to a birthday party for our friends from small group's little girl. Libbi enjoyed doing her own thing - ha! She loves gymboree and loves that she can just run and climb and play. Laney really enjoyed it, too. It had us wishing we could redo one of the rooms in our house with mats and climbing apparatuses.

Monday we stayed home and played.... A LOT! The girls are starting to play together and it is fun to watch. Libbi's dream is coming true: Laney will now attempt to "chase" her! :) Her worst nightmare is also coming true: Laney is into all her "stuff" - ha!

Tuesday - Libbi went to school and Laney slept late (hallelujah!) Libbi loves going in to get Laney (I have to constantly remind her that she has to wait until Laney is awake to do this) and Laney loves it just as much. She gets so excited to see Libbi come in and starts smiling like a jack-o-lantern.
Can you tell that we've been having some serious discipline moments going on? Timon was put in time-out a lot on Tuesday. He had a rough day. Poor guy. And Hello Kitty had her diaper changed frequently (we didn't bother to tell her that she was actually wearing a swim diaper)

Libbi loves to make this face for pictures. I'm sure you can imagine how thrilling it is to have 500 pictures of this face. seriously. It's such a treasure.

Thursday Libbi went to school again and afterwards it was such a beautiful day that we stopped to get a cupcake on the way home. We ate it outside at the park (and yes, Laney was still in her jammies). Libbi and I enjoyed our cupcakes while Laney feasted on graham crackers. Thursday night, I needed to make a quick run to the store to pick up a few things and Libbi wanted to go. So I loaded up her jammied self and we went grocery shopping together. Sister had her basket so she could "buy stuff" and she was in hog heaven.

Friday - Libbi performed lots of tricks. Her new favorite things to say are, "watch this, momma!" "Look at this trick, momma!" all. day. long. She tries anything and everything (my blood pressure does not appreciate this!) and loves to show us her skills. Every night we've been clearing out the living room and watching her routines. She's a funny girl :)
Friday night the weather turned bad, but I was apparently the only one that worried about it. I woke everyone up to go downstairs. Jeffrey wanted to just sleep through it and the girls actually did, so it was kind of anticlimactic. Miraculously, we made the bed-take cover-back to bed transition without waking either of the girls. That, my friends, is almost unheard of in our house!
Friday night the weather turned bad, but I was apparently the only one that worried about it. I woke everyone up to go downstairs. Jeffrey wanted to just sleep through it and the girls actually did, so it was kind of anticlimactic. Miraculously, we made the bed-take cover-back to bed transition without waking either of the girls. That, my friends, is almost unheard of in our house!

Saturday was a "Work Day" for us. We did a few things around the house and we had people come over to rework our internet and tv's. Libbi was interested in "the worker mans" and tried to hear them working while she was taking a nap. When she woke up, she told Jeffrey that she heard him "doing paperwork with that man" ha! Saturday night was date night and we had a great time as always. I am so thankful that we have made the commitment to have weekly date nights. It's such a blessing to have that time with Jeffrey and be able to have uninterrupted conversations and not have to worry about feeding anyone but ourselves. :)
Unfortunately, Saturday night was the game changer for our weekend and Sunday was not quite as fun. But, like I said, I think (hope, pray!) we've turned the corner and kicked that bug.
Hope that y'all had a great weekend.
I can't wait to see what this week brings. :-)