Yesterday was the celebration of six weeks since our precious Libbi was born. We have been a few places since her birth, but nowhere too far from home and mostly just Buddy & Mimzy's house. Dr. Bramwell (our wonderful pediatrician) told us to wait six weeks before taking Libbi out so her immune system could be a little stronger.... And apparently I really took this to heart. What a great mother I am, on the day marking my child's sixth week of life I take her to two of the most germ infested places known to man - WalMart and an elementary school! Oh well, gotta build up that immunity...right?!
Since we were going out and Libbi knew that she would be the center of attention she wanted to accessorize her outfit (she can't help it that she has a Mimzy that loves accessories and a Momma that does out, Daddy!) She put on her sweet little bracelet (thanks, Deale!) and completed her outfit with her purse (thanks, Missi!) because every sassy lady knows you can never have too many purses or too many shoes. And since she can't yet wear the shoes she has,(and believe me, she does have quite a few pairs already) she MUST carry a nice fact she insists upon it.
A CELL PHONE, of course!
Happy Six Weeks Sassy Girl!