We had a pretty relaxing weekend....which is always nice if you ask me :)
Jeffrey took us girls out to breakfast on Saturday morning. Libbi enjoyed her first IHOP pancake and only slightly offended the waitress by giving her the "stink face" every time she attempted to speak to her - ha! I feel so bad when she glares at people....I feel like I have to explain that she's really a sweet girl, and that they shouldn't take it personally, she's just trying out new expressions....hopefully she will move on to a new (kinder) face soon ;)
While Jeffrey played golf, Libbi and I did a little bit of shopping and then went to pick up Aunt Missie. We enjoyed having her over for dinner and as our spend-the-night guest for the weekend! Libbi slept late on Sunday (I guess she wore herself plumb out from all that standin' she did on Saturday!) and after a breakfast of apple-cinnamon-pancakes (made by yours truly) we were off to church.
Libbi did her usual screaming/crying/please don't leave me routine while Jeffrey dropped her off in the nursery. Again, I always feel so guilty that she causes such a stink. I feel like I need to explain to the sweet ladies in the nursery that she's really not usually like this, and that I don't know what on earth gets into her, and that she really is a sweet girl.....oh well, if she can't be the cute, smiling baby in the nursery, at least she can be the fashionably dressed one :)
After church, our whole family met for lunch. My dad is leaving in the morning to go to Indonesia for two weeks. He will be on a medical mission trip as well as hosting vacation bible schools while he is there. My dad has such a heart for missions and truly loves spreading the gospel of Christ. He is one of those people that just radiates the love of Christ. He always has a kind word, a funny joke, or a hug and a pat on the back to share. He has never met a stranger.
If you think about it, will you please pray for him over the next two weeks as he travels and resides in Indonesia? Please pray for his health, his safety, his mission team, and that the hearts of the people they come in contact with will be receptive and open to the message they are bringing. And while you're at it....please pray for my mom as she spends the next two weeks without him. I am trying to talk her into taking a "stay-cation" at my house :)
After lunch we took a few pictures (which Jeffrey just loves! ha!)
My sweet mom and dad :)
Mom, Dad, and Missie (aka...Auntie Biotic)
Justin, Mandie, and Blakeley :)
Our little family
Poor Libbi did NOT like the grass....she kept trying to lift up her legs so they wouldn't touch it. She is such a girl ;)
The rest of the day was spent just relaxing and catching up on some laundry (thankfully, I think Libbi is FINALLY over the stomach bug - woohoo!!!) We are counting down our last days of school....only TWO LEFT!!!!
Have a great week and thank you for praying for my dad!
I love you dad and I am so proud of you!!
Mark 16:15
"He said to them, 'Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.'"
"He said to them, 'Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.'"