Friday, October 22, 2010

sweet 16....

Sweet Libbi, you are 16 months old today!!  I cannot believe it.  I feel like every month that passes, I say the same thing, but it's true!  As sad as I am that you are not a tiny baby anymore, it is SO exciting to see you growing into a little toddler with your own personality and unique quirks.

This month you have been as busy as ever.  Everywhere we go, people comment on how "busy" you are. :)  I guess that explains why I am so tired all the time - ha!  You are non-stop from the moment you wake up until you go to bed at night.  You wake up singing and talking every morning around 7:30 and you go to bed easily around 7:30 every night. The times that you wake up in the night are few and far between now (thank goodness!) and you typically nap from 12:45 - 2:30, but sometimes longer.
One of your current favorites is.....Daddy!  When I come to get you up in the mornings, the first thing you say is, "DA-DA!" and then I tell you that Daddy went bye-bye, so you say, "Da-Da, bye-bye" over and over.  Anytime you hear a creak upstairs during the day, you run to the stairs and say, "Da-da!" because you think he's up there.  You run to the kitchen (well, to the babygate by the kitchen) as soon as you hear the garage door open in the evening and wait for Daddy to walk through the door. And more than anything, you love love love for Daddy to "get you."  As soon as he walks in the house, you make eye contact with him, and then you take off running and squealing (and of course, Daddy chases you!) I think it's a favorite part of the day for all of us. :)
You love to make us laugh.  Anytime you do something and we laugh at you, you automatically do it again and then look to make sure we are still laughing.  You are such a little ham.  You love to make your "mad face" and pretend to cry like a baby.  You make silly faces all day and if we happen to miss them, you just laugh at yourself - ha!  You are such a happy girl!
You never cry when we leave you in the nursery at church anymore (in fact, I think you might consider yourself one of the volunteers....) and it definitely makes going to church easier.

Your vocabulary is growing by leaps and bounds and you try so hard to mimic what we are saying.  You understand pretty much everything we tell you, which is great!  Especially when I'm in the kitchen and I can say, "Will you go get your cup for Momma?" and you'll go into the living room and retrieve it for me saving me from having to step over the babygates - haha :)
Your Daddy and I laugh and say that you are constantly setting traps for us.  You leave a trail everywhere you go, whether it's toys, books, shoes, chairs, basically anything you can get your hands on.  There are many nights that we trip over random objects in the middle of the night that you have left in the floor and we just chalk it up to another one of your "traps."
You love to "cheers" with your cup before you take a drink, watch Elmo's World (and fast forward through "Mr. Noodle), jump, run, dance, listen to music, sing, play outside, wear your elmo "shoes," and read books.
You still love squeezing yourself into tight spaces and we still have no idea why. ;0)
You LOVE to climb.  We have to watch you closely, because you are definitely a little monkey.  You climb things that we never thought you'd be able to get up on, and you do it in the blink of an eye.  We're PRAYING that there is still a good bit of time (I'm talking at least a YEAR!) before you can climb out of your crib, but it really will take an act of God to keep you in there that long.

You are a constant reminder that little eyes are always watching, because we see you copy so many things that we do.  You will hold the cell phone to your ear with your shoulder while jabbering away.  You pretend to put on make-up and you love to brush your teeth.  You will use (baby) wipes to clean off your highchair or any other surface that you can get to and you are always trying to put on our clothes, shoes, belts, or hats.  You love to throw your purse over your shoulder and yell out, "byyyyyyyyye" and then head for the door blowing kisses along the way.
Libbi Jane, we fall more and more in love with you with each passing day.  Almost every night, your Daddy and I lay in bed and talk about all the funny things you did during the day and we laugh just thinking about what a mess you are.  You fill our lives with joy and we are forever thankful to God for blessing us with you!  These past 16 months have definitely been sweet!  

Happy (sweet) 16 months!!

"From the fullness of His grace we have all received one blessing after another."
~ John 1:16 

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