Wednesday, January 19, 2011

this week....

This has been an interesting week.  We've been busy doing a whole lotta nothin' and I've been really tired.
Here are some "highlights" of the past couple of days...

*I had a dr's appt Tuesday morning so my mom came over to watch Libbi.  I got about 1.5 hours of sleep the night before so I was ex-haus-ted.  I don't sleep well when I'm pregnant anyway, and then for some reason, I always toss and turn the night before my doctor's appointments....
*The upside of the morning, was that I had a great appointment!  The baby's heartbeat was strong (155 bpm), my blood pressure was just right, and I remembered to NOT eat a bowl of Cocoa Krispies before my appointment, so my glucose levels were in a normal range :)

*When I got back home, Libbi and I ran out to the post office.  The sweet lady working there told me that her "feeling was it's gonna be a boy" but that "God already knew even before this baby was conceived."  I probably would have cried, because she was really sweet, but I was preoccupied with getting Libbi out of the envelopes and cards on display.  **Side note: Taking a VERY active toddler into a public place without a stroller is least for me!  Libbi does not like to hold my hand and she wants to run and check out everything and everyone.  I know it would be easier if I had the stroller, but I hate getting it out when we just have to run in somewhere real quick**
I then had the bright idea to "run in" one more place.....seriously?!  What was I thinking?!?!  Libbi ran all over the the store and dropped like a dead fish when I tried to pick her up.  By the time we left (all of 5 minutes later) I was sweating, she was crying, and the poor owner of the shop was probably thanking God that we were gone.
*Libbi has been in rare form this week, to say the least.  She has suddenly and without warning entered into the whole "temper-tantrum-hissy-fit-lose-your-ever-loving-mind" phase.  I think the first time it happened Jeffrey and I were pretty much in shock.  She basically flipped, flopped, and flailed half way across the living room.  It looked like she was doing the butterfly stroke across the floor.  She made sure to include kicking feet, screaming at the top of her lungs, and a periodic glance to see if she still had a captive audience.  Did I mention all of this transpired because we wouldn't let her swan dive off the arm of the couch onto the cushions?  Yep. She prefers to leap like a flying squirrel across the couch and bouncing off the cushions onto the floor....and we are the mean parents that won't let her.

*She gets into trouble each and every time, but she is not deterred.  I have to admit, it gets a little frustrating, because she was SO persistent.  I was trying to get supper finished and every time I turned around she was on the blasted end table trying to take the lampshade off the lamp.  I couldn't even go to the bathroom without her making a beeline for the arm of the chair.  She is definitely a strong-willed little girl. :)

*Another fun little "trick" that Libbi has learned is picking up the tray off of her highchair.  If you ask me, that thing comes off way too easily!  She thinks it's hilarious.  Me....not so much!  But, it is really hard not to laugh when she's having so much fun! :)
*I FINALLY picked up our newborn portrait of Libbi that I had framed.  I love love love it!!  Now, I just have to decide where I want to hang it....hopefully that won't take another 18 months! ;0)

*Libbi has also been in the habit of taking off her own diapers lately.  Super fun.  Thank God it has not happened when that diaper was "full" if you know what I mean....
She would love nothing more than to run around in the buff, but we have a carpeted living room and I have a bad gag reflex so she is forced to wear pants at all times. :)
Last night, I had just changed her diaper and we were going to run upstairs and get her jammies.  She took off running towards the stairs and on her way managed to "lose" her diaper.  Normally, I would catch her and put it right back on, but since we were going right upstairs to get her changed, I just figured I'd let her go on up.  Bad decision.
About halfway up the stairs she stopped and let it flow.  She "tee-tee'd" down the stairs and stood there frozen.  I screamed.  She screamed.  She cried.  I cried.  Then she busted out laughing like it was a hilarious joke.  Only I didn't find it so funny. ;)
**Side note....Jeffrey was working late so I was home alone.  Libbi had already been bathed.  I am dreading potty training.**
(I took this picture on my phone during another "streaking" incident...but you get the idea) ;)
*Since she's been so naughty this week, I have decided to put her to work!
Kidding!!!  She has a new broom and dustpan and she loves "sweeping" and cleaning everything (including but not limited to, the floor, the tables, her babies, and me!) ;0)
*Finally, we are having Libbi dedicated at church on Sunday.  I am looking forward to it, but SO nervous at the same time.  I'm mostly nervous because Libbi will be sitting through the dedication ceremony with us and then we will have to bring her on stage.  Libbi hates to be held.  She wants to walk and wander and investigate.  Unfortunately, that is not really an option during the baby dedication.  One of us will have to be holding her.  I have already told Jeffrey that he will have pockets full of cookies and m&m's.  I'll even tuck a juice box into my dress if I have to.  I will be mortified if Libbi loses her mind in front of everyone.  Please pray that she will keep it together for the short time we're in there!

But, even if she doesn't, I know we'll be surrounded by people that love her (and hopefully understand!) And, seriously, who could get mad at this sweet face????

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