This week's "What I'm Loving Wednesday" is dedicated to the one guy I'm loving every Wednesday.....
I'm loving that we got to spend some quality family time together on our little weekend vacay.
I'm loving the way that he is such a good Daddy to our sweet girl and I'm loving that I know without a doubt he'll be a great Daddy to Baby Tippins, too!
I'm loving that he brings me home chocolate milkshakes just because he knows I like them.
I'm loving that he works so hard to provide for our family.
I'm loving that he doesn't complain (at least not too often) when I watch Real Housewives and Teen Mom reruns at all hours of the night.
I'm loving that this sweet girl's face lights up when she hears her Daddy's car pull into the garage.

I'm loving that we have celebrated almost half of his birthdays together.
I'm loving that I can say I'm married to an "older man" ;0)
I'm loving that he can always make me laugh - even when I'm trying to be mad.
I'm loving that he notices and remembers little things that I like and tries to surprise me with them.
I'm loving that he gets Libbi out of bed in the mornings or when she cries at night because he knows that it is hard for me to bend over right now - ha!
I'm loving that the Lord knew just what He was doing when he brought us together - little did I know as a 14 year old teenager that I would be celebrating birthdays with the same "boy" 15 years later :)
I'm loving that I am married to a great husband, a wonderful father, and also my best friend.
I'm loving that the Lord blessed me with such an amazing man to do life with.... what an answer to prayer!
Happy Birthday, Jeffrey!
We love you!!