Today has been a rainy and yucky day. We had to get out this morning, but luckily we were back in the car before the torrential downpour started. I hate driving in the rain, but at least I wasn't stuck outside having to haul my 8 month pregnant self through the wind and rain and carry Libbi through it, too. Now that would have been a sight for sore eyes. As scary as it is (for me) to drive in the rain, at least it was dry in the car. Plus, it seemed to have a calming effect on Libbi and she was pretty much in awe the entire ride home - which definitely helped my level of concentration since she wasn't barking requests from the backseat and she couldn't complain about my song choice since the rain was louder than the radio. :)
So, instead of having a mood (and a blog) as dreary as the weather, I am choosing to post today about things that make me happy! :) I'm linking up again with Jamie for
"What I'm Loving Wednesday."
I'm loving these flash cards (and so is Libbi!) She loves to flip through them and touch them. She has a sound effect for each card and she attempts to say most of the words. Her favorite flashcards are the baby, jelly, cat, dog, and ball. Since they are "touch and feel" cards, the jelly flashcard is sticky. She has a love/hate relationship with it - ha! She says "BLECH!" every time she touches it, but then she will inevitably try to make it stick to her nose (which she thinks is hilarious.)
I'm loving my sweats today. (Jeffrey is probably thinking..."just today????" - haha) Since we were out in the rain this morning and I soaked my pants/shoes by stepping in a puddle, it just seemed appropriate to come home and put on my sweats in order to make myself feel better. And when I say, "my" sweats, I actually mean Jeffrey's :)
I'm loving this happy girl. She is loving being chased these days. As soon as she hears the garage door open in the evening, she jumps up and immediately assumes her runner's stance just waiting for Jeffrey to round the corner. I love seeing her run for her life with a reckless abandon that only a carefree toddler can have. :)
(although, I'm not really sure why she feels the need to pull her shirt up while doing so...)
(although, I'm not really sure why she feels the need to pull her shirt up while doing so...)
I'm loving that Libbi loves books! She will sit forever and just "read" through all of her books. It makes this momma's (and teacher's) heart happy to see her developing a love for reading!

I hope she always enjoys relaxing with a good book
(even if it is while sitting in a box...)

I hope she always enjoys relaxing with a good book
(even if it is while sitting in a box...)
I'm loving that I recently won two giveaways! I won one from a local boutique in our area and so I was able to have lots of things monogrammed....for FREE! I also won a facebook giveaway for Ragsland Clothing and I get to order Libbi a cute little minnie mouse outfit....for FREE! Who doesn't love FREE things?!?!
In fact, I love them so much that I can't decide which to get...
what do you think? polka dot minnie and her name OR solid minnie and single initial?

polka dot shorts or polka dot pants?

(images from
what do you think? polka dot minnie and her name OR solid minnie and single initial?

polka dot shorts or polka dot pants?

(images from
Finally, I'm loving this bow holder that I made for Libbi's room (how/why did we not have one of these before?!?!) I had some fabric and ribbon leftover from her window treatments, basket liners, and pillows - so I put it to good use (side note: I think I'm going to paint the L and J brown....)

here is a picture of the window treatment and you can kind of see one of the baskets with the coordinating fabric liner...

Happy Wednesday!