Not much going on today, but a few "this and that's"....
I know I've been blogging, but I feel like it's been forever, because so many of my posts lately I have written in advance and set up to "auto-publish" so I technically haven't written anything in almost a week!
But today's post is coming to you "live" :)
*I have been in a terrible mood the past couple of days (I'm sure Jeffrey is probably saying, "Amen!" to that). I just haven't been sleeping well, I'm uncomfortable, and Libbi has been all out of sorts. To me, the last few weeks of pregnancy are the hardest. I relate it to being in the car when you have to go to the bathroom really badly. The closer you get to home, the worse it becomes, because you know you are just sooooo close! That's how I've been feeling the past couple of days....I feel like I'm SO close, yet SO far away. I don't know if it's because my body just knows the inevitable is coming..... or maybe it's the lack of sleep finally catching up with me..... who knows? But, last night I reached a breaking point and may or may not have had a minor meltdown and ended up in bed with my laptop and a bowl of ice cream by 7:45. :)
*We went to Home Depot today to have the paint mixed for Baby Tippins's room! After receiving fabric swatches for my girl and boy bedding choices, I finally decided on a paint color that would coordinate with both. That way, we can at least go ahead and have the room painted. If I showed you the "Before" picture of the nursery (which is actually still it's current state...) you'd probably have a slight panic attack - so you can only imagine what it's doing to me.
*While at Home Depot, Libbi added a new word to her vocabulary. One that I never expected from my sweet girl..... "Lawnmower" - ha! She tried out a couple of new rides while we were waiting on the paint to be mixed. The "geen" one was definitely a favorite.
Another wonderful thing that we found (and might have taken advantage of just a bit) were the paint swatches for the "Disney Collection." Did you know that they are in the shape of Mickey Mouse? We basically had our own set of Mickey Mouse flashcards to practice her colors while we were waiting - it was GREAT!
(of course, once we got home she decided they were better off as "stickers" they are now long gone. Guess they weren't made for their durability.) ;0)
*Libbi's sunglasses have been in full force lately. She is one of those people that wears sunglasses indoors....she's just cool like that. I have to admit, they're not the most attractive set of frames. They are kind of a weird shade of pink with an even weirder pink color for the lenses. Whatever. Jeffrey calls her "Little Miss Sunshine" when she wears them,

but I think she looks more like one of those crazy old ladies (without a license and that is legally blind) that should be driving a pink cadillac popping curbs or something.

but I think she looks more like one of those crazy old ladies (without a license and that is legally blind) that should be driving a pink cadillac popping curbs or something.

The only thing that could make them better is if they curved up like cat's eyes :)
*Our neighbors (whom we now refer to as our new best friends!) gave us their old slide. They have triplets that are a year or so older than Libbi and they "outgrew" their little play slide and so graciously offered it to us. Let me tell you, it has been like Christmas morning at our house ever since! The night that it stormed really badly, Jeffrey brought it into the house and it has been there ever since. It has literally been my saving grace, because I have been able to have a few restful moments propping my feet up while she slides over and over and over and over (repeat x 1000) and I can watch from the couch. I could care less that we have a primary colored slide (with a basketball goal, no less) in the middle of our living room!

*There are oh, so many more slide stories to share, so there is definitely a post in the works. :)
*My sister says she's going camping this weekend. 'Nuff said.
*We are big golf fans here in the Tippins House (and by "we" I mean Jeffrey..... I like it, too, but more so for the golfers than the actual golf) so Master's week is a BIG week. I haven't been the past couple of years due to being very pregnant, very tired, and very pregnant again. :) But, my Mother-in-Law is always sweet enough to bring back a few treats. Last year, Libbi wore her Master's shirt in honor of the big tournament and it was a little roomy....this year, i was surprised to find that it still fit! So, she donned it again (while cheering for Phil Mickelson...cause doesn't he look like Jeffrey?!?!)
Crazy how much she has changed in a year!
*Finally, Libbi has learned how to pretend to make certain bodily functions. I'm not really sure where she learned it from, but let's just say, I didn't teach her that.....
She thinks it's hilarious (and I have to admit that it is hard not to laugh sometimes). She follows it up with "MOO MEEEE!" every.single.time. Incidentally, she will also point at someone else to place the blame on them - so if you're in the vicinity, beware! Unfortunately for my Mom, she is Libbi's favorite person to blame, even if she's not present at the time! :) Lord help me if we have a boy, I don't know what I'll do! ;0)