i took the girls to the local splash park for the FIRST time last friday night.
jeffrey was out of town, so my mom and dad went with us.
libbi was a little hesitant at FIRST....

but she soon warmed up and there was no stopping her.

the FIRST time she said, "momma, i'm getting wet!!!" i acted just as excited as she was.... by the 500th time she repeated this exact.same.sentence. i just nodded and smiled.

uncle jj, auntie mannie, and blakeley were meeting us, but we got there FIRST since we live much closer. libbi had a great time playing while waiting for "blay-key"
and laney just acted like she was the FIRST and only one-year-old to ever grace the fountains with her presence. ;-)

as far as she was concerned, they were just lucky she was there.

while libbi is timid when she tries something new for the FIRST time, blakeley jumps in feet FIRST without hesitation. it's always fun to watch the differences in their personalities.

laney's FIRST experience in the fountains was very reminiscent of libbi's FIRST time. funny enough, Buddy is always the FIRST one to volunteer to "take one for the team" and go into the water. such a good grandparent.

you may notice that this is not the FIRST time our green bathing suits have made an appearance. libbi's still fits from last year and laney is wearing blakeley's old suit. another perk to having cousins born almost exactly a year apart. (libbi (6/22/09), blakeley (6/16/10), and laney (5/11/11). bless laney, by the time she gets an outfit, it's rare that she's the FIRST owner. :)

once we were finished at the fountains, the girls changed clothes, and we got ready to watch the FIRST night of production for "The Little Mermaid." little did we know, there was another play that came on FIRST, so by the time ariel made an appearance, our girls were starting to fade.

blakeley is a FIRST class dancer and enjoyed showing off her moves along with the actors. libbi preferred to sit back and watch. :)

during intermission, we bought a smoothie and libbi tried her best to pound that thing in one solid gulp....

she'll be the FIRST to admit it's hard to share. :)

by the time it was all said and done, we were hot, we were tired, but we were happy and full of memories. i'm pretty sure this was the FIRST time my girls stayed up past 9:30. i hoped and prayed it would also be the FIRST time they'd sleep past 7am... there's a FIRST time for everything, right?! no such luck - ha! oh well. i'd still say both girls' FIRST trip to the splash park (and little mermaid) went swimmingly! (har har!) ;-)

to see more memories of firsts on the first click HERE.
happy august FIRST, friends!!