Friday, October 11, 2013

trying for the weekend...

five on friday, full force ahead....

in the spirit of my 31 days of honest effort, today's five on friday is all about ways we're going to dig in and do life this weekend! no matter how little sleep i've had, how "busy" we think we are, or how fussy  a certain two year old may be, i'm determined to make this weekend a good one...full of family, fun, and lots of memories! :) 


1. the girls and i spent today at my parents' house. libbi and laney just love being outside at their house and swinging on the "playground" (as libbi calls it). those girls could stay outside all day. and for the most part, we did. it's such a beautiful time of year and we just had the best time swinging and playing and enjoying the fall weather. we topped our evening off with dinner at the mexican restaurant. pretty much the best day ever as far as my girls were concerned: grandparents, swinging, and cheese dip. what more could they ask for? 

2. tomorrow we're celebrating my niece's first birthday! we can't wait to celebrate sweet little mattie and her first year of life. there's just something so precious about first birthdays. i love the promise of the year ahead and the celebration of the year behind. plus, any time there is cake involved, i'm in. :)

3. after the party, the girls and i are going to a festival at the local park tomorrow. it's always an adventure taking all three out by myself, but we're making memories and that's what counts. and again, there will be cake (and other food) at the festival, so all of us tippins girls are up for the challenge. 

4. jeffrey and i are celebrating our anniversary this weekend! it's been a crazy, busy, wonderful six years. i'm so thankful for his friendship and his love. we're going out on sunday, so once again, there will be food-ha! i'm starting to detect a theme here....and possibly a good reason for why i've still got baby weight hanging around. 

5. finally, we're in the process of moving the big girls in together. and when i say, "in the process" i mean i'm basically prepping libbi for sharing a room with her sister - ha! but, seriously - i'm in the beginning stages of planning out their room (if you follow me on pinterest, i'm sorry for blowing up your feed with shared bedroom pins). i have to keep reminding myself it is a work in progress. i don't know why i feel like there's going to be this grand "reveal" and all will have to be complete before they can move in. obviously that's not the case. and i'd also like to know if it's possible for me to become one of those people that has a ridiculously low budget, and stays under it. you know they type - they write posts like - "how i designed susie's room for less than $200!"? yet they still have all these fancy looking pieces and somehow just got really "lucky" with their thrift shop finds. 
do those people really exist? and if so, how can i become one? all tips (and cheap thrift store finds) welcome ;-)

happy friday, friends! can't wait to see what the weekend brings!

"Taste and see that the Lord is good. 
Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him!" 
Psalm 34:8

this is day eleven in the series "31 days of honest effort
(click the link to read all posts in the series) 

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