Happy Monday! It's my favorite time of the week....time to confess all the things I did not do! Feel free to confess your own "not me's" or leave me a comment and let me know something that you did not do....you'll feel so much better getting it off your chest....I promise! ;)....
I did NOT set off the smoke alarm while cooking dinner this week. I did NOT grab Libbi and make a mad dash into the garage and leave Jeffrey to deal with turning it off (and clearing the smoke) all on his own....
I did NOT get lost going to Paige's house for a play date. I surely did NOT arrive over an hour late. I was NOT bringing lunch with me (I'm sure Paige was NOT starving by the time I FINALLY got there). I did NOT have to call her 5,000 times to help me find her house. She does NOT live only 10 miles down the road from me...(sorry, Paige!!)
I would NEVER take pictures of my poor baby with a rash all over her belly. I did NOT take said pictures just to prove to the doctor that it really did exist and that I wasn't losing my mind. I did NOT drive Libbi crazy by undressing her one million times a day just to see if the rash was still there. I did NOT bring my camera to her appt. this morning and show her pediatrician the proof in the pictures. No, I am NOT one of those moms....
I did NOT email my mom and one of my friends (who is a nurse) the pictures of Libbi so they could try to "diagnose" her rash for me late last night. My mom and I did NOT spend a good bit of our phone conversation discussing how unfortunate the rash was, because it would have been such a cute picture otherwise. We are NOT that superficial.... (but it really is a cute picture! and she's fine, by the way...)
While we were NOT hiding and peeping through the blinds at the meter man, I did NOT assume that Libbi had full control over her head/neck and allow her to headbutt one of the slats in the blinds, resulting in red mark across her forehead. Unlike her momma, she is NOT yet skilled in the act of observation through blinds....
Finally, I do NOT hate unpacking so much that I leave my suitcase still packed for as long as humanly possible. I do NOT continue to "live" out of my suitcase for days on end even after we have returned home from vacation. I did NOT put off unpacking for so long that Jeffrey finally unpacked my suitcase for me. There is NOT a full tote bag of Libbi's clothes from vacation still sitting in her nursery floor. I would NEVER procrastinate so much, especially when it comes to laundry... Nope, Not Me!
Happy Monday from this adorable girl!