Libbi, you are 25 months old today! I can't believe a month has already gone by since we celebrated your 2nd birthday. I'm not going to write monthly updates that are so lengthy now that you are starting to get older (*tear*), but I wanted to write a little bit about what you've been up to lately, because you have just been SO much fun.
I feel like we are starting to see more and more of your personality with each passing day....and more and more of your stubborn streak - ha! :) You are one hard-headed little girl (which I'm sure you get from your Daddy ;-)) but you can also be just as sweet as pie when you want to be (you get that from me - haha!)
You make us laugh all day long. You say and do the funniest things now. It is so entertaining to see what you pick up on and the different things that you are learning each day. Here are a few of my favorite things that you currently do/say.....
If I ask what your name is, you will say " Jane....Bibbi Pippins." You do not want your name to be Libbi Jane, just Libbi Tippins - ha!
When we ask how old you are, most of the time you will say, "I TWO!" but every now and then you like to say you're three or five and then you always laugh like it's such a funny joke. If we ask how old momma is, you say, "OLD!" (Thanks for that one, Daddy!) ;-)
Your favorite phrase is, "Bibbi help!" You always want to help, no matter what the task at hand. You are ready and willing to assist at the drop of a hat - this can be a good and a bad thing. :)
I have no idea why, but you are obsessed with this stupid game on the iphone. It is some crazy app that your daddy found - it's called "Talking Tom Cat" or something like that. Anyway, any time you see a phone unattended, you snatch it up and find the "cat game." You BEG to play the "cat game" all.the.time. We don't let you all that often, but for some reason, you just think it is the greatest thing (believe me, it's not). It is a weird looking cat that mimics what you say, let's you punch him in the face, makes toot noises, and just stands there and blinks. Don't bother looking it up y'all, because it is the dumbest game ever. seriously. If it weren't free, it definitely wouldn't be on our phones.
You love to have a pallet made in the floor with pillows. One night, your Daddy was laying out blankets and pillows and I jokingly told you to close your eyes so it would be a surprise. You were so excited and we had to yell, "surprise!" when he was finished. Now, every night you request a "pillow surprise" haha! :)
You are all about putting on your clothes by yourself....even if they're technically not "your" clothes....You are also quick to undress yourself.
This is helpful when we're getting ready for a bath. This is not helpful when we're checking out at Wal-Mart :)
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(Laney's pants....) |
You love to wear your jewelry and check yourself out in your "moover." (mirror) A true southern belle with your pearls on already! ;)
You know all of the letters of the alphabet and love to point them out wherever we go. You are so proud of yourself - and so are we!
You love, love, love your baby sister! She is the first person you look for as soon as you wake up in the mornings and you are always checking to see if she is sleeping or awake. You make sure to announce (very excitedly) "Lay-Lay's awake!!!" as soon as you see her eyes open. It warms my heart to see you give her kisses and hugs without any prompting. You always, always tell her good night and bye-bye no matter what. You are such a loving big sister!!
I could go on and on, because there are so many things that you do that just leave me laughing (or shaking my head - ha!) but I'll save some of them for another day.
Libbi Jane, every day you are growing and changing before our eyes. You are becoming less of a little baby and more of a little girl! I love that we can have conversations now and that you are able to express your opinions and feelings on things....even if you don't always go about it in the calmest manner - you're learning. :) We love you more than anything and we love seeing you grow and become your own person. What a blessing you are in our lives!!
"He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted." - Job 9:10.