I'm sure y'all have heard of pinterest by now. It's a great way to pretend I'm crafty, dream up a new wardrobe for me and my girls, and collect recipes that I may or may not ever use - ha! :)
Besides the disadvantage of it being a major time eater, pinterest does have a few perks...
I have started Christmas Lists for everyone in the family (and please don't judge. I know my list is the longest....everyone else's is still a work in progress) ;-)
I have a plethora of ideas for the girls' rooms
I love seeing what everyone else is "pinning"
...and I do actually make a few things that I've seen ;-)
Just this week I made these cute little Halloween treats for Libbi's class.
I had some labels made that read, "wishing you S'MORE treats than tricks" and included the ghost peep, graham cracker, and hershey bar in the treat bag.

I thought they turned out really cute!

I also made these candy corn cookies.
Libbi had a costume party at school and I sent in the cookies for the "reception" after.
I took the easy route and just used premade cookie dough. I thought it would be fun for Libbi to help, but quickly figured out that food coloring, cookie dough, and 2-year-olds do not equal "fun" (at least not in my book) - ha!
Libbi enjoyed it, but she was a little upset that we weren't using any blue or green. She didn't quite get the "candy corn" concept. ;-)
Are you on pinterest? Have you made anything that you've "pinned?" To see all of my boards, click HERE.
(and just because it's Friday and I feel like I haven't had any pictures of cute little lay-lay on the blog in a few days, I had to add this one in....)

(and just because i could seriously live off these thighs for the next year...)