let's talk about pie....
humble pie, that is.
i've had my fair share lately.
let's start with my first serving....
remember these cute little sheshe made peeps outfits i posted about?
i ordered each of my girls one and put them away (or so i thought) until they were to be worn. well, when the time came for the church easter party, i couldn't find laney's pants. i had her shirt and libbi's entire set, but i couldn't find laney's dern pants anywhere. we searched high and low. i had just recently switched over the girls' closets, packed up winter clothes, and made piles of "donate" clothes so i was afraid that somehow the pants might have gotten mixed up in one of those piles. after emptying two closets, and umpteen million tubs of clothes, i still had no pants for laney. so i just gave up, dressed libbi in her outift, and slapped some leggings on laney to go with her shirt. we made it to the church egg hunt and no one was the wiser. when the girls wore the outfits again to another easter function, i went through the same song and dance of looking for those pants to no avail. and i will admit that i am shallow and it put me in a bad mood. poor jeffrey. :)
fast forward a few days and i'm cleaning out libbi's room. i happen to glance down in her hamper and see "the pants" hallelujah! it's only when i pick them up that i notice the tag on the inside reads, "3T"....oops. apparently, i'd been dressing libbi in laney's 18mo pants - ha! i felt terrible, but libbi never complained and i never noticed any indentions in her waistline or poor circulation, so i guess they weren't too uncomfortable??! ;-)
that was my first small slice of humble pie...
the second helping came a few days later when libbi had her class easter party. i made these cute little favors for the friends in her class and her teachers. i have to admit (again) that i was feeling rather pleased with myself - but i should have known, pride comes before the fall, no? when i picked her up from school, it seems that the treats never made it to her friends. i'm not sure where they ended up, but i guess some little boy or girl got a happy easter wish from libbi (and probably wondered who on earth that was) :)
oh humble pie, you are not my favorite dessert.

the third serving (and largest) of humble pie came in the form of an easter card and a bible verse (ya think the Lord was trying to tell me something?!)
you may remember that i love finding typos and grammatical errors (especially in "published" works). i posted about a shirt from target, a sign from hobby lobby, and a few other nuggets i've found. my dad and i text back and forth all the time with funny errors we find. it's kind of our "thing." now that's not to say that i have perfect writing skills, and never make a grammatical mistake - because, believe me - i do! i just have a natural tendency to "proof" everything i read. or so i thought....
if we're friends on facebook or you follow me on twitter, you probably saw this card:

but what i didn't tell you is that this was my "Edited" version.
here's the original that i MAILED out to family/some friends:

after i ordered them and they were delivered, i kept looking at them thinking "something's not right...." but i just couldn't put my finger on what it was. until it hit me. i put the wrong scripture on the card. the verse was correct, but i reversed the scripture reference. instead of luke 24:6, i wrote luke 6:24. two TOTALLY different verses. and of course, i noticed this after i had mailed the cards out so there was nothing i could do about it. i told my mom that this was payback for all the times i pointed out someone else's errors. i even contemplated sending out a mass text to let everyone know that i was aware of my mistake, but my mom convinced me that was not necessary (dramatic, much?)
so if you're reading this and you received our card in the mail....yes, i know it was incorrect, but Jesus still rose from the grave even if it doesn't say so in luke 6:24, okay?!
and if you are a random child that received an easter treat from some girl named libbi....please know that i realize my mistake on her cards as well. sigh. :)
here's to hoping there's no more pie in my future....unless it's the chocolate kind ;-)