Sunday, February 24, 2013


lately i've been using my phone to take pictures much more than my "big" camera. it's just easier to snap a photo in the moment with my phone than to tote around my camera (unless we're going to a planned event or something). i post a good amount of pictures on instagram (if you're on it, look me up! i'm @atippins). here's a recap of our weekend instagram style. if you already follow me on instagram, sorry for the repeats! 

we made heart shaped pizzas after being stuck inside for days because of all the rain....the girls LOVED making them, but they weren't so crazy about eating them.  
laney would at least try the pizza, but libbi made no secret that she thought is was poison. she even mentioned that she was going to "frow up!"
the girls have been very into coloring lately. libbi is serious about writing her name and spelling. laney is serious about coloring on everything BUT the paper.
laney went to school on friday, but libbi stayed home. she wasn't feeling too well. as much as i hated that she was sick, it was nice to have a few hours alone with my big girl. it's not often that it's just the two of us. laney had a great day at school and has been "tear-free" for weeks now - woohoo!
libbi spent the afternoon dressing up. she must change clothes at least 10 times a day (no wonder we have so much laundry!) she started off with the dress mimzy and buddy brought her from their cruise. she wore it around the house - with her "fancy" heels no less - and would sing, "i'm the american princess!".... i think she might have been a bit confused. ;)
she then changed into her pocahontas headband, pj shirt, and a "skirt" (aka a dish towel) with her slippers. this outfit was a bit too risque to wear outside the house. i do believe she was feeling a bit of a cool breeze. ;-)
libbi worked on her castle all night. laney lost interest and found a hair dryer. ha! 
on saturday we went with buddy and mimzy to meet uncle jj, auntie mannie, blakeley, and baby mattie at the mall. it was (another!) rainy day, so the girls needed to get out for a bit. libs and blakeley enjoyed riding the merry go round with mimzy. obviously, libbi is a little more reserved with her excitement than blakeley.  ;)
while at the mall, we picked up a cardboard castle that was on clearance. buddy put it together for the girls and they spent the evening coloring and playing. best $10 ever spent! laney even busted through the windows twice and the house remained standing.:)
we didn't make it to church sunday morning. we had a loooong night/morning saturday night and i just couldn't get moving. or make myself wake up laney when she had just fallen back asleep. so we went to the park to enjoy some of the first sunshine we've seen in forever! 
our park trip was short lived, because although the sun was shining, there was still plenty of mud and water on the playground. :(
so we returned home, libbi put on her "lounging clothes" and resumed working on her castle. she's deemed it her "dream castle"
it's safe to say that santa could have saved A LOT of money, had he known that this cheapo cardboard box would be her "dream castle" instead of the actual princess castle he brought. (which didn't hold up nearly as well as the cardboard!) 
after naps, we enjoyed a bike ride outside - in a nightgown and blue jeans of course - ha!
and in typical laney style, as soon as libbi went in to take a potty break, she made a beeline for the bike and begin yelling, "GO! PUSH!" haha. sister thinks she is big stuff. 
libbi enjoyed playing golf with some sticks she found. she told me she was ready to be on a golf team with daddy. she also requested that i buy her a golf dress for the occasion. i'm sure daddy will be thrilled with his new golfing buddy. ;)
we wrapped up our weekend with a little bit of relaxing. the girls each indulged in a little technology while momma indulged in some oscar's red carpet viewing. it was a win: win. ;)

happy weekend, friends! 

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